Wednesday, December 3, 2008


This was no surprise to me that Bailee failed her vision screening for school.  Because she was a preemie they said more than likely she would need glasses, and of course she has Chris' bad eyes.  Bailee was so excited to get glasses because she wanted to look like her cousin Taylor.  She only needs to wear them when she reads from the board and while watching T.V.  You look so beautiful.  

Halloween Night

On Halloween night we went Trick- or- Treating with a few friends (Fast, Baldree, Milhoan).  The girls had so much fun hanging out with their friends.  We went around the neighborhood and they still made out with so much candy.  Reagan's bag was so heavy that she had to put some of it in Camryn's bag. Thanks guys for a fun night.

School Halloween Party

Reagan's class had a Halloween Party for the parents.  It was so cute and she had so much fun with her friends.  Last year she didn't do anything but cry, so I was so glad this year that she participated.  We love you Reagan and I am glad you had a great day with your friends.  You were the Cutest Minnie Mouse ever.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bailee's Birthday

Bailee turned 6 on October 14th. I can't believe that I have a six year old now that has attitude. I can remember when she only weighed 1lb and 11 ounces and she was able to wear Chris' wedding ring on her wrist. She has grown up so fast. Just a few things about Bailee. Happy Birthday Bailee, we love you!!!!

*She loves to play with her sisters

*Likes to take care of Camryn for me

*She is very shy at times , but still has attitude for her mom

*Has now learned how to roll her eyes

*Loves to draw pictures for her family

*Very caring

Pink Eye

Camryn had gotten the virus that Bailee had and I thought she was just about done with her cold.  Until we woke up Tuesday morning to pink eye.  Poor Camryn was so miserable, she couldn't open her eye.  So she's been on antibiotics for a week now, so we thought she was done then she burst a blood vessel in her eye and now it will take two weeks to clear. Camryn seems to get everything.  Hope you get better Camryn.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Reagan!!

Reagan's 4th Birthday was on September 18th.  She was so excited for a Minnie Mouse Party. We had a family party then we invited a few friends over to share her special day with her.  I can't believe that she is already four years old and that next year she will be starting Kindergarten. We Love You and hope you had a great day.  Just a few things about Reagan:

*  You are a drama queen
*  love to play dress up
*  you are always asking grandma for gum
*  you love your sleep
* always asking grandma barney for chap stick
* you are so loving

Monday, September 8, 2008

18 Months

I can't believe that Camryn is 18 months old today.  It has gone by so fast.

* She likes to cuddle with her blankie when going to sleep
* She likes to give kisses and big hugs all the time
* She wears 2t clothes
*She enjoys playing with her sisters
* She likes playing with baby dolls 
* Her favorite word is no, she says no to everything
* She doesn't like to wear shoes or socks
* She is daddy's little girl
*She is our happiest baby

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Reagan's First Day

Today was Reagan's first day of Pre-school.  This will be her 2nd  year with Miss Sherri.  She was so excited to see her teacher and see all of her friends.  When I  picked her up she was so excited to tell me that she was the special helper today.  I love you Reagan and I am glad that you had a great day.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Open Wide

Woo Hoo,  I really look happy huh.  Well Bailee went in for her first trip to the dentist office.  I am so proud of her she did great.  Yea she had a few cavities but what can you do.  She knows now how important it is to listen and brush every morning and night.  Oh yea Chris has to stop letting her sip his Coke too.  Speaking of Chris he gets to have some work done too.  Fun Fun Fun.  Lets hope the other girls take after Mom, no cavities ever!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Big First Day

Well the day finally came, and wow was it fun.  I don't know who it was harder on Chris or Bailee.  He really didn't like seeing his little girl start school.  Bailee has a really great teacher and she seemed to do really well.  She went right in and got started.  She was so excited to pick out her outfit and matching bow.  We love ya and are very proud of you.  Mom and Dad

Sunday, August 3, 2008


I was tagged by Stephanie.  Six words to describe our family.

1- loving
2- hectic
3- always on the go
4- honest
5- dedicated
6- happy

I now tag- Danielle, Kendell, Nikki and Jamie

Sunday, July 27, 2008


This is a little late, but oh well.  Bailee and Reagan had their preschool graduation on June 17th.  They were so excited.  They did a program for the parents (which was way too cute) and then they walked down the aisle to receive their diploma.  Bailee is now ready for kindergarten, which starts on August 13th.  Reagan still has one more year of preschool.  I am proud of you girls and I love  you.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bailee just finishing up preschool and is excited to start kindergarten in August.  She likes to play dress up and go swimming.  Reagan is also in preschool and she likes to swim and play with Barbies.  Camryn is walking now and into everything and loves trying to be like her big sisters.