Sunday, July 27, 2008


This is a little late, but oh well.  Bailee and Reagan had their preschool graduation on June 17th.  They were so excited.  They did a program for the parents (which was way too cute) and then they walked down the aisle to receive their diploma.  Bailee is now ready for kindergarten, which starts on August 13th.  Reagan still has one more year of preschool.  I am proud of you girls and I love  you.


Danielle said...

My girls are getting so big!! I wish I could of seen them! I didn't know that Bailee starts before Tay!!

Beach Mommy said...

Can you believe your little 1 pound baby is going to kindergarten?? I'm glad I found your blog! Thanks so much for last Saturday!!

Nikki said...

Yes, you are back to the world of blogg'in. You can never be to late, ok well maybe since school starts in a few weeks haha. I got the box already to be mailed just have to mail it now.

The Fast Family said...

Your girls are darling. Im excited for Hudsen to start school there. I wish she had the same days as Reagan though.