Bailee turned 6 on October 14th. I can't believe that I have a six year old now that has attitude. I can remember when she only weighed 1lb and 11 ounces and she was able to wear Chris' wedding ring on her wrist. She has grown up so fast. Just a few things about Bailee. Happy Birthday Bailee, we love you!!!!
*She loves to play with her sisters
*Likes to take care of Camryn for me
*She is very shy at times , but still has attitude for her mom
*Has now learned how to roll her eyes
*Loves to draw pictures for her family
*Very caring
Believe it honey. It goes by so fast. Katana turned nine on the 12th. The girls grow up fast.
Happy B day Bai!! I remember when you were teeny tiny! Now you are such a big girl!! Lissa, iT only gets worse!!!
You need to post a picture of you guys holding her that small. The picture with the ring is surreal. She really is a miracle!
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