Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pink Eye

Camryn had gotten the virus that Bailee had and I thought she was just about done with her cold.  Until we woke up Tuesday morning to pink eye.  Poor Camryn was so miserable, she couldn't open her eye.  So she's been on antibiotics for a week now, so we thought she was done then she burst a blood vessel in her eye and now it will take two weeks to clear. Camryn seems to get everything.  Hope you get better Camryn.


The Fast Family said...

Poor Camryn. Those pictures are so sad. Im glad she is starting to get better.

Kendell Wrae Evans said...

poor girl! sending my love. hope she feels better!

Nikki said...

Poor baby...Poor mommy. Did anyone else get it?

Danielle said...

Poor baby! She looks so miserable. I hate Pink eye! Hope it all clears up soon.

Sherry said...

aw poor baby girl!